Some weeks ago I wrote an article on how to compile csync. After I did some testing on it, I wanted to install Mirall, since this seemed to be the only system tray application to contol csync. Mirall is not available in the ubuntu repositorys, so I wanted to compile it from source. But I was a little amazed about the dependencies of this small application. Since I’m a Gnome 3 user I didn’t want to install the entire Qt environment to get one small system tray application. So I decided to write it by my own for the sake of getting started with python programming.

At the end I can say: It isn’t very hard to write a system tray application in python. The really challenging thing is to use threading for the csync process and create a settings dialog to configure your target instance of ownCloud.

After four weeks of after work coding here it is. My first little python application: ownCloudTray

Version 0.1.0 - ownCloudTray-0.1.0.tar.gz
Version 0.2.0 - Source moved to GitHub


  • Implementing a notification when files are synchronized from cloud to desktop.

Please comment below if you found issues or have suggestions how to make it better.

Hope it helps,